Add Power BI Reports

System Administrators can add Power BI reports.

To add a Power BI report:
1. Open the Power BI page (Quality of Experience > Reports tab > Power BI).

2. Click Add.

3. Configure parameters according to the table below:



Report Name

Name of the report.


Short description of the report.


User-defined report categories. See examples "Test" and "Testing"

Report ID

Report ID extracted from Azure Service Provider tenant.

Report URL

URL Link to the report location.

Dataset ID

Dataset ID extracted from Azure Service Provider tenant.

Group ID

Azure Authentication: Group ID. This value represents the shared tenant ID that can be used by companies affiliated with a parent corporate group. (see Adding Service Provider Tenants).

Service Providers

Drop-down list including a list of Service Providers to enable displaying the report.


Drop-down list including a list of channels to enable displaying the report.


Drop-down list including a list of customers to enable displaying the report.

4. Click OK.